12 Dermatologist-Approved Skin Care Tips

12 Dermatologist-Approved Skin Care Tips
With these 12 tips you will be able to take care of your skin so that it looks healthy and radiant.
We all dream of having glowing, healthy skin, but with all the new products and endless skin care advice on the internet, it's not always easy to identify the best routine to take care of our skin. You probably know the basics: drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, and wash your face, but what about everything else?

We bring you advice from dermatologists and the best beauty experts so you can make a list of what you need to take care of your skin.

From how to choose the right cleanser for your skin type to the importance of cleaning your makeup brushes.

These simple tricks will help you achieve radiant skin.

1. Use the right cleanser for your skin type

For oily or acne-prone skin, a salicylic gel or benzoyl peroxide wash works great, for dry mature skin, use a glycolic or milky moisturizing cleanser. For skin with brown spots or melasma, use a brightening wash, such as an alpha hydroxy acid cleanser.

2. Don't use too many products

Layering on skincare products at once is a big no-no. It can be harsh on the skin, resulting in more breakouts and clogged pores.

3. Moisturizes both day and night

The best times to hydrate are right after you get out of the shower and before bed. Avoid lotions with strong fragrances and be sure to find a moisturizer gentle enough for daily use without irritation.

4. Don't touch your face

It is very important to find out how to avoid touching your face. Not only does it spread bacteria and cause breakouts, it can lead to scarring, increased wrinkles, and even the flu or other viruses.

5. Hydrate yourself both outside and inside

Every skin expert we spoke to emphasized the importance of hydration. Lack of water means less luminosity and more sagging. We suggest choosing products (cleansers, moisturizers, and anti-aging) that have hydrating formulas. And, of course, drink about eight glasses of water a day.

6. Avoid direct exposure to heat

Don't just be careful of the sun: getting too close to heaters and fireplaces can also wreak havoc on your skin. It causes inflammation and collagen degradation.

7. Exfoliate your skin once a week

We lose 50 million skin cells a day, and without a little extra push, they can stick around and leave your skin looking dull. To combat this, you should choose a product that has a neutral pH so that it does not dry out when exfoliating. The skin on your body also needs exfoliation.

8. Vitamins should also go to the skin

A balanced diet is important, but there is more than one way to provide vitamins to the skin. There are also topical antioxidants, which are serums and creams that contain ingredients that nourish the skin (Think vitamin C serum!). They are ideal to use during the day after cleansing our face.

9. You should always remove your makeup

It's been said a million times, but effectively removing makeup is the gateway to clearer, healthier skin. When you remove makeup, your skin becomes a clean canvas ready to absorb the product. The skin desperately wants to get rid of pore-clogging debris and pollution!

10. Sleep well to avoid dark circles and wrinkles

Sleeping at least seven hours, although eight is ideal, is necessary to have a fresh face, free of dark circles and thus prevent new wrinkles from creating.

Did you know that dark circle patches help you eliminate your dark circles and prevent wrinkles?
Collagen patches contain moisturizing, repairing and nutrient agents, which usually include hydrolyzed collagen and natural fruit and plant extracts.

They provide an immediate softening, emollient and volumizing effect, which leaves dark circles rested, beautiful and renewed.

Try our Bye Dark Circles patches to reduce dark circles and restore shine to your eyes.

11. Clean your makeup brushes regularly

To combat infections and clogged pores, we recommend washing your concealer and foundation brushes once a week. For brushes you use around your eyes, we recommend doing this twice a month, and for any other brushes, once a month is fine.

12. Use sunscreen 365 days a year

Many people feel that they only need to protect themselves on sunny days or when visiting the beach, but the truth is that we need to protect our skin even when we are driving a car, flying on an airplane, being on the computer, or running errands. It is daily exposure to UV rays that contributes to the visible signs of aging.

What type of sunscreen is best? Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, and remember to reapply it every 2 hours.

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